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Selectmen's Minutes May 13, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 13, 2003   

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.


PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan, Assist. Road Agent AJ May and 25 residents of Hutchinson Road

Jeff and AJ explained the scope of the project to the group.  Work to be completed this year will include selected tree removal along the entire roadway, pole replacements where necessary, culvert replacements and some additional culverts to be installed and widening of the roadway.  The homeowner is entitled to the wood cut on their property as a result of the tree removal.  The board asked that they remove it in a reasonable amount of time.  Some slope work is needed by the Lambert’s property.  

Most of the residents are not in favor of paving the road at this time.  Some discussion centered on paving the hill only by the Brehm residence.  Speed was the number one concern expressed by the group.  The residents asked for more police presence on the road during Pembroke Academy’s arrival and dismissal times.  The board welcomed all the input from the residents and will keep them informed as the project progresses.  The work is scheduled to begin in July and should take about a month to complete, however the highway department will stagger the time frame so as not to neglect other road maintenance needs within the town.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department

PRESENT: Deputy Chief, Mike Paveglio

Mike submitted the Ambulance Pay Schedule and the Department’s Directive regarding payroll as requested by the board.  After discussion, Selectman Arey made the motion, seconded by Selectman DeBold, that the Chairman of the Board will be responsible for delivering the fire department paychecks to the station no later than the following Wednesday morning.  All were in favor.  Mike will modify the schedule and forward a copy to the selectmen’s office.  

SUBJECT: Highway Department     

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan

Jeff informed the board that the parking lots will not be swept until Friday due to the inclement weather.  Jeff feels the timesheet is a good tool.  It will be a good tracking device.  He would like to add a category for time spent talking over issues with landowners.  Selectman DeBold will edit the timesheet and forward to Jeff.  Mr. Bailat has been placing rocks in the town’s right of way on Cross Road.  Jeff feels they are a hazard.  He has not been able to speak with Mr. Bailat directly, but has spoken to Mr. Bailat’s mother.  Chairman Colbert will go and take a look at the situation and attempt to speak to the homeowner and inform him the rocks must be moved out of the right of way.

Cleanup of the dooryard has been started.  Jeff has spoken to the owners of the equipment and told them to remove it.  Chairman Colbert will speak to Mr. Weir at BCEP about the possibility of placing a roll off container on the site to remove the remaining junk.  

The board expressed their thanks to the department for their presentation at the public hearing.  It went very well.   


The board approved and signed the minutes of May 6, 2003 as written.

The board signed a grant application for the Police Department regarding a county wide DWI Grant taking place in September.  

The board signed the timber taxes for the 2002-2003 tax year. Lisa updated the board on the new regulations surrounding the stumpage values.  Much like the new current use standards, as a result of the state certification process, timber now has to be assessed fair and proportional to the lot and size of cut.  Mr. Thorrell, timber tax appraiser for the state, meet with Lisa and passed along new software to  go along with these new guidelines.

Space Needs Committee was discussed. Selectman DeBold will head this up. He was asking the board what direction they would like this group to take.  It should be part of the CIP process.  It was decided to wait until after Richard’s involvement with the Rte. 4 Corridor Study Committee to begin formalizing.  

Selectman DeBold has talked with Mrs. Giuda regarding preparations for the Appreciation Dinner.  He is committed to planning this event.  He has scheduled a tentative date of November 1st.  Lisa suggested Richard contact Judy for assistance in planning.

Grange use was again discussed.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to require a $50.00 refundable deposit to parties reserving the main hall for private use.  All were in favor.  This will take effect on June 1, 2003.  The board will monitor usage to determine the need to keep the deposit should any damage or misuse occur to the building.  

Chairman Colbert updated the board regarding vehicles parked in the right of way blocking access to Thunder Bridge.  David has made several attempts to talk with the Baas’s about this and no one has been home.  He will continue his attempt to contact them.  

Chairman Colbert informed the board of his discussion with principal Stiles regarding the Cable Franchise Fees.  Her concern is that the major money request, is the first part of a three year project for the library and she would not want to start this without a solid commitment of funds for the next two years.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Colbert to honor the request from the school for monies from the Cable Franchise Fees, from the next two years, for the continuation of the library project only.    Selectman Colbert – yea, Selectman DeBold – yea, Selectman Arey abstained.  Chairman Colbert will inform principal Stiles of the decision.  

The board reviewed mail and correspondence.

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Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                   Approved AS Written
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

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